Yes, Telegram uses complex encryption algorithms, does not use passwords to log into the account *Disposable codes are used to activate the account on a new device and, according to the developers' claims, does not store deleted data on its servers. But there is a vulnerability in mobile telephony, more specifically the SS7 protocol,
that allows to gain access to almost any account, regardless of how the user protects his or her confidential data.
Methods of hacking Telegram Channels
There are several ways to hack Telegram accounts. But not all of them are highly resilient and help get access to tracked information.
The developers of the messenger were able to implement many innovative methods to protect personal data, which made access to user accounts inaccessible for most hackers. For example, keyloggers and phishing pages known to many, methods of intercepting traffic when connecting to a certain access point are completely useless for hacking Telegram accounts.
Using keyloggers and other programs to search for passwords, as well as phishing pages which allow receiving a combination of login+access code is useless, due to the absence of passwords in the messenger. And intercepted traffic cannot be decryption without a special key, which is available only to the user and in the Telegram servers' database.

The only way to hack a group or its administrator in Telegram is to log into the target user's account from your device. But to do this, you need to get a verification code, which the messenger sends to the subscriber's mobile number. It is practically impossible to do this on your own. But it is possible to use software that can remotely obtain all the information of interest.
One such program is TgHacker - a web application whose algorithm is based on a vulnerability in the SS7 signaling system (SS7 protocol).
Below we will tell you in detail about the features of this software.
How to hack an administrator in Telegram with TgHacker
TgHacker is an effective tool for remote hacking of the messenger. The application does not require installation on the device or physical access to the smartphone/tablet of the administrator of the Telegram group of interest. It runs from any modern browser, and to start working it asks only to enter the phone number or username of the messenger user.

In addition, TgHacker is one of the few applications that can easily bypass two-factor authentication. And it is the key parameter that allows Telegram developers to claim high security of the messenger.
How TgHacker works
It should be noted that Telegram's vulnerability is not the fault of the messenger's creators. The main responsibility for the insufficient protection of personal data lies with the mobile network operators that use SS7 network protocol to transmit messages and make calls.
The presented alarm system was developed back in the 1970s and has not undergone major changes since then. But spy methods have evolved noticeably over the decades.
Stages of TgHacker operation:
- The software connects to the target subscriber's mobile network (in this case, the number of the administrator of the channel or group of interest in Telegram).
- Analyzes the user's traffic and searches it for an SMS message with a verification code to activate the account.
- Enters the received character set on the remote server and transfers the target account to the application emulator.
- SMS with the verification code is automatically removed from the target subscriber's traffic, preventing the person from finding out about his account activation on a third-party device.
- TgHacker™ results in an archive of user information, including the entire history of activity in the messenger, as well as login data for the target account.
In addition to the content posted in groups or channels, the person who initiated the hack also receives:
- a list of personal contacts and subscribers in groups and channels;
- Current GPS coordinates and saved geolocation;
- received and sent messages, including secret chats;
- Photo, video and audio files (received and transmitted);
- Log of audio and video calls with the duration.

Third-party software to hack Telegram channel
Talking about programs that allow hacking a group or channel in Telegram, it is also worth mentioning such solutions as Spyic, Cocospy, Auto Forward and other similar applications. They may accomplish their goals, but all of the above software products have one significant disadvantage, namely, the need to install on the device with the target account. That is, before you can hack a Telegram group, you have to:
- Gain access to the smartphone of the channel administrator.
- Instantly install spyware on the target user's phone.
- Activate your account in the selected software (enter the username and password from your account on the victim's smartphone).
Only after that you will be able to remotely monitor the activity of the administrator of the channel or group in Telegram. In this case, the owner of the desired account should not notice your manipulations with his device, and ignore the appearance of new software on his smartphone.
Based on all of the above, it is unlikely that using Spyic, Cocospy or Auto Forward, you will be able to hack a Telegram group. The only thing that such software will allow you to do is to monitor young children or elderly relatives, and that only if they are completely ignorant of modern technology.
It is possible to hack almost any administrator of a Telegram group with the help of software that can do it remotely. We told you about TgHacker™ - one of the most effective applications - above. To learn more about the features of the presented software, as well as to gain access to the target account, go to the official website of the program and, following the instructions, initiate the hacking of the desired Telegram account.